Our Chapter Halls

As a medical engineering student you will study at two campuses during your time at KTH, Campus Valhallavägen (Main Campus) and Campus Flemingsberg. During your master studies the location depends on which units you will choose.

At Campus Valhallavägen we share our chapter hall with the Chapter of Electrical Engineering. The hall is located on Osquars Backe 12 and is therefore called Tolvan. As a member of the chapter you will be able to access Tolvan with the use of your KTH-card. In Tolvan you can study, eat lunch (heated in one of our many microwaves) or just hang out with friends. The chapter hall is looked after by Källargillet, a group of students from both chapters, arranging fixing nights to keep Tolvan in great shape. Read more about Källargillet and how you can join them under Our Committees.

At Campus Flemingsberg we share chapter hall with Ingenjörssektionen Fleimgsberg (IsF) och Röda Korsets Högskola (RKHSK). This venue is also open for you as a MiT student to study, have lunch or just hang out. The chapter hall is located on ground floor and the closest entrance is the door towards Flemingsbergs Centrum, the address is Hälsovägen 11C.

When students from our chapter is at other campuses, such as KI Solna or KTH Kista we have no chapter hall. At KI Solna one can heat their food at the lecture halls in Thorax. Alternatively. the students can contact the chapters at other campuses regarding access to possibilites of places to heat food.

