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Väljs: 29:e januari Sök senast: 15:e januari |
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Why candidate?
"Come on, it will be fun!" - All volunteers since 2008
By candidate for a post you will contribute as a member of the chapter to improve the chapter life and study environment for all chapter members.
How do I apply?
En post tillsätts på ett Sektionsmöte. Om du vill kandidera till en post och bli behandlad av Valberedningen måste du göra detta innan Valberedningens sökstopp, oftast 14 dagar innan mötet. För att bli behandlad av Valberedningen kan du antingen:
- Ta personlig kontakt med någon av Valberedningens medlemmar
- Skriv ett mail till
If you for any reason do not want to or do not have the possibility to be processed by the election committee, you can also candidate during the chapter meeting.
How is the election process carried through?
After the period of application the Election Committee will go through and process all candidates. You will then be called to an interview with someone in the Election Committee, where you will answer a couple of standardized questions.
We will also talk about what will be expected of you at the chapter meeting and how you can prepare yourself for it.
The Election Committee will then write something about each candidate and this will be presented at the chapter meeting. This written opinion can include whether the candidate was found suitable or not. During the meeting you will have the opportunity to answer questions before a decision is made.