Business Committee

The business committee is the link between students and the MedTech industry!

The business committee's, NLG, uppermost priority is to strengthen the bond between chapter student and interesting companies. This is done through arranging different events and activities, such as lunch lectures, seminars and study visits. Once every year a bigger event is arranged called MedTech Evening. At this fair there is a great selection of companies from the different parts of the Life Science industry, such as consulting firms, pharmaceutical companies, imaging devices companies and regulatory bodies. For more information you can find it at:

Through participating at our events you get a solid basis to grow and expand your network of contacts with relevant people within the industry.

NLG is responsible for the alumni activities within the chapter as well as introducing charity events under name NLG Charity.

If you have any questions, suggestions and wishes. Please do not hesitate to write to us!

Volunteers in the business committee are

Chairman Jonas Lazrak
Vice Ordförande Erika Lalic
William Eger
Project manager of MedTech Evening Diana Hylander
Graphic designer
Alumni eventansvarig
Startup eventansvarig

Melissa Jova
Joakim Brandt Öberg
Bleona Koxha
Armin Shafiei


Chairman of the business committee